Tuesday, March 3, 2020

30 Problem Words and Phrases

30 Problem Words and Phrases 30 Problem Words and Phrases 30 Problem Words and Phrases By Mark Nichol Tried-and-true words and phrases are convenient, but they are also truly trying as with clichà ©s, when a writer relies too heavily on stock usage, the resulting prose is tired and uninspired. Watch out for the following deadly usages. 1. After having: â€Å"After looking around, I chose a seat† is fine, and so is â€Å"Having looked around, I chose a seat,† but â€Å"After having looked around, I chose a seat† is redundant. â€Å"Having† means that the action has already been performed, so the context is clear that the writer is writing after the fact. 2. Aged: Identifying the age or age range of a person or a group with this word puts the subject(s) in a category with cheese or wine. Write â€Å"50 years old,† for example, instead of â€Å"aged 50 years,† or â€Å"ages 21–34† rather than â€Å"aged 21–34.† 3. Aggravate: To aggravate is to make something worse, not to bother, annoy, or irritate. 4. And also: And and also are redundant; use one or the other. 5. Anticipate: To anticipate is to foresee (and perhaps act on that foresight), not to expect. 6. Anxious: To be anxious is to feel distressed or worried, not eager. 7. Approximately: How about using about instead? Save three syllables. For scientific or technical references, approximately is fine, but it’s a bit much in most other contexts. 8. As to whether: â€Å"As to† is extraneous; use whether only. 9. At this point in time: Omit this meaningless filler. 10. Basically, essentially, totally: Basically, these words are essentially nonessential, and you can totally dispense with them. 11. Being as/being that: Replace these phrases with because. 12. Considered to be: â€Å"To be† is extraneous; write considered only, or consider deleting it as well. 13. Could care less: No, you couldn’t. You want to convey that it’s not possible for you to care less, so you couldn’t care less. 14. Due to the fact that: Replace this phrase with because. 15. Each and every: Write â€Å"Each item is unique,† or â€Å"Every item is unique,† but not â€Å"Each and every item is unique.† 16. Equally as: As is superfluous; write equally only. 17. Was a factor, is a factor, will be a factor: If your writing includes one of these phrases, its presence is a sign that you’re not done revising yet; rewrite â€Å"The vehicle’s condition is a factor in performance,† for example, to â€Å"The vehicle’s condition affects its performance.† 18. Had ought: Had is redundant; use ought only. 19. Have got: Got is suitable for informal writing only; if you’re referring to necessity, consider must rather than â€Å"have got,† and if the reference is to simple possession, delete got from the phrase â€Å"have got.† 20. In many cases/it has often been the case: Reduce the word count in statements containing these verbose phrases by replacing â€Å"in many cases† with often, for example. 21. In the process of: This extraneous phrasing is acceptable in extemporaneous speaking but unnecessarily verbose in prepared oration and in writing. 22. Is a . . . which/who: If you find yourself writing a phrase like this, step back and determine how to write it more succinctly; â€Å"Smith is a man who knows how to haggle,† for example, can be abbreviated to â€Å"Smith knows how to haggle.† 23. Kind of/sort of: In formal writing, if you must qualify a statement, use a more stately qualifier such as rather, slightly, or somewhat. 24. Lots/lots of: In formal writing, employ many or much in place of one of these colloquialisms. 25. Of a . . . character: If you use character as a synonym for quality, make the reference concise. â€Å"The wine has a musty character† is better rendered â€Å"The wine tasted musty, and â€Å"He was a man with a refined character† can be revised to the more concise statement â€Å"The man was refined,† but better yet, describe how the man is refined. 26. Of a . . . nature: Just as with character, when you use nature as a synonym for quality, pare the phrasing down: Reduce â€Å"She had a philosophical nature,† for example, to â€Å"She was philosophical.† 27. Oftentimes: An outdated, unnecessary complication of often. 28. On account of: Replace this awkward phrase with because. 29. Renown: Renown is the noun (as well as a rarely used verb); renowned is the adjective. Avoid the like of â€Å"the renown statesman.† 30. Thankfully: In formal usage, this word is not considered a synonym for fortunately. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial Expressions75 Synonyms for â€Å"Talk†25 Idioms with Clean

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