Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on We Need Less Television and More Play - 1202 Words

We Need Less Television and More Play In today’s world, society’s focus is not getting out in the environment and enjoying nature. The focus is television, cell phones, the internet, and any other means of technology available. Our society needs to stop indulging in technology and start enjoying nature again because too many people are glued to the television several hours a day, planning their day around usage of a computer and/ or their television shows, health concerns are on the rise for these constant viewers who don’t participate in other activities, and all of this absorption of the information age is separating us from nature. We are indeed an information economy, which has many good aspects to it, but we should not be†¦show more content†¦Your child will not be bored if they have things to do, it doesn’t have to be television. If you don’t make them aware of other activities and possibilities other than television then your child will get bored, but if they have ideas and you help them find something to do they will like it just as much, if not more than television. Lastly, if you have a child you need to take the responsibility and realize you won’t get as much work done. Those parents who turn the television on for their kids just to get them out of their sight so they can do what they need to do are wrong. A quiet time for mom and/ or dad is appropriate and a television show or two during that time is acceptable, but when the television is turned on hour after hour to allow the parent time to do their work it is obvious that the parent is not concerned with the needs of his/ her child. While the children are glued to the televisions, what are they watching? Are they watching Dora, which is an educational show, or are they watching the power rangers or a show promoting weapons and violence. Today, children are watching these violent programs and are being affected without even knowing it. â€Å"Psychological research has shown three major effects of seeing violence on television: children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, children may be more fearful of the world around them, and children may be more likely to behave in aggressive orShow MoreRelatedTelevisions Effect on Families as Expressed in Marie Winns Article The Trouble with Television883 Words   |  4 PagesIt may be hard to admit, but television has become an intricate part of our everyday lives. People children often find themselves sitting in front of the television screen for a longer period of time than before and this has evolved immensely over the past few years. In t his article, â€Å"The Trouble with Television,† by the author Marie Winn, mentions that addiction of television is negative effects on children and families. 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